Happy Earth Day Troopers! Today is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. Did you know more than one billion people in 190 countries that are taking action for Earth Day? Ukraine, Venezuela, Philippines, Spain, United Kingdom and Canada also celebrate Earth Day.
There are many ways you can be "green" too. Every little thing you do helps, no matter how small!! Here are 10 simple ways to begin helping the environment:
1. Turn off your computer at night - save 40 hour-watts of energy per night.
2. Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth - save up to 5 gallons of H20 a day.
3. Print double-sided whenever possible - you can even default this setting to cut your paper usage in half.
4. Don't use plastic grocery bags - many stores have very cheap, stylish reusable bages...leave some in your trunk so you never forget them.
5. Choose natural cleaners - prevent chemicals from harming the environment & yourself.
6. Save energy & money - turn your heat down by 2 degrees & your AC up by 2 degrees.
7. Unplug your chargers when they're not in use - chargers continue to drain energy from outlets.
8. Invest in a BPA-free bottle & a reusable coffee cup - Why buy water when you can refill & get it for free? Prevent plastic bottles and styrofoam cups from ending up in landfills by reusing cups.
9. Replace your old lightbulbs with CFL bulbs - 1 bulb reduces CO2 by 1000 lbs & saves money on energy.
10. Recycle used ink cartridges - save the earth & save money!
Have a great Earth Day everyone. And remember, every little bit counts.
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